n বেদে নারী ৫ - 6 September 2011 - হিন্দু ধর্ম ব্লগ - A Total Knowledge Of Hinduism, সনাতন ধর্ম Hinduism Site
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    হিন্দু ধর্ম ব্লগ

    Main » 2011 » September » 6 » বেদে নারী ৫ Added by: DharmaJuddha
    8:47 PM
    বেদে নারী ৫
    প্রথম পর্ব

    দ্বিতীয় পর্ব

    তৃতীয় পর্ব

    চতুর্থ পর্ব

    বেদে নারীকে নানা নামে অভিহিত করা হয়েছে।

    কোথাও সরস্বতীঃ জ্ঞানের উৎস।
    কোথাও সহস্রবিরাঃ সাহসের উৎস।
    কোথাও ঊষাঃ আশা ও আলোকের প্রথম উৎস।

    ঊষা যেমন অন্ধকারকে দূর করে নব প্রভাতের সূচনা করে তেমনি নারী সমাজের অজ্ঞানতা দূর করে সমাজকে ন্যায় ও সত্য এর দিকে ধাবিত করেন।

    মাতৃরুপী ঊষা নিয়ে বেদের নিচের মন্ত্রগুলো দেখিঃ

    Rigveda 4.14.3: O glorious woman! You are full of brilliance and you come in form of enlightening dawn to illuminate the society away from ignorance.
    Rigveda 7.78.3: We can see brilliant women enlightening the society with their noble qualities right in front of us. They have given birth to the sun of knowledge and fire of noble actions. Due to their glory, darkness of ignorance, sins and negativity is destroyed.
    Rigveda 1.124.3: We can see the glorious woman who wears a dress of noble virtues. She is the daughter of brilliance and synonym of mental faculties. She follows perfectly the path of truth and virtues alone. She knows her goal and never breaches her discipline.
    Rigveda 1.48.8: The entire world of noble people bows to the glory of the glorious woman so that she enlightens us with knowledge and foresight. She is the leader of society and provides knowledge to everyone. She is symbol of prosperity and daughter of brilliance. May we respect her so that she destroys the tendencies of evil and hatred from the society.
    Rigveda 1.92.5: May the entire society respect and praise the glorious woman. She is the epitome of truthfulness, noble virtues, selflessness, enlightenment and worthy actions. She can destroy the strongest obstacles of hatred, violence, evil and ignorance with her shining light.
    Rigveda 1.113.5: The glorious woman destroys the greatest of darkness of ignorance, hatred, violence and evil with her radiating brilliance. She is the firm pillar that supports all noble deeds. She is the daughter of light that ignites the sun of goodness and knowledge in the society.
    Rigveda 1.113.12: The glorious woman is symbol of prosperity. She has permeated the entire society with her brilliance to inspire us all to reject laziness, get dynamic, conduct noble actions, become philanthropic and provide us with wealth and happiness.
    Rigveda 1.123.13: O glorious woman, you firmly hold the ray of truthfulness and virtues. May you bless us all with inspiration of noble thoughts, words and actions. May you remove our ignorance by nurturing us so that we obtain the bliss of material and spiritual wealth.
    বেদে নারীর অবস্থান নিয়ে আর কোন সন্দেহ আছে?

    Views: 926 | Added by: DharmaJuddha | Rating: 4.0/1
    Total comments: 1
    1 নামহীন   (06-09-2011 9:59 PM) [Entry]
    bhalo lagche apnar ei series.....

    চালিয়ে যান

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